Thursday, December 15, 2011

Facebook Sucks

Facebook, you Suck!
Facebook is a social networking service. gives this definition of a social network:
Any website designed to allow multiple users to publish content themselves. The information may be on any subject and may be for consumption by (potential) friends, mates, employers, employees, etc. The sites typically allow users to create a "profile" describing themselves and to exchange public or private messages and list other users or groups they are connected to in some way.
So why is Facebook demanding this;

Friend Requests Are Only for People You Know.

It looks like you sent friend requests to people you don’t know personally, which isn’t allowed on Facebook.

From now on, please only send friend requests to people you know. Otherwise, you could be suspended from sending friend requests.
I understand the friend request rules above.

My question(s) on this are,
1. How do you know if I know someone or not?
Do you have my life history in front of you?
Orwell is rolling over in his grave!
2. What is it to you?
It aint as if I’m strong-arming someone in to accepting my request!
In addition, the optimal word there is accepting.
If someone feels they are forced to accept any friend request they get, then they need to seek professional help. I don’t think Facebook is going to solve their problems.
3. And lastly, what gives you the right?
Are you Facebook suckers so full of yourselves now that you think you can dictate to someone who they are allowed to be friends with?

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